Class of ’92 (seangkatan Beckham)

1937391_1028224201568_6092525_nAngkatan Kawah Putih [KP] – 1992

It is in deep solitude that I find the gentleness with which I can truly love my brothers. The more solitary I am the more affection I have for them…. Solitude and silence teach me to love my brothers for what they are, not for what they say (Thomas Merton).

01. Arief Hidayat Dahlan/Sastra D3 JepangPLW 24382070 KP
02. Bayu Bharuna/FEPLW 24382073 KP
03. Bayu Ismayudi/Sastra D3 DokbudxPLW 003 KP
04. C. Sobur M/FISIP AntropologixPLW 006 KP
05. CH Agustin/FIKOMPLW 24382087 KP
06. Darajat Arianto/PAAPLW 24382074 KP
07. Darmansyah/Sastra Arab xPLW 019 KP
08. Dodi Rokhdian/FISIP AntropologiPLW 24382067 KP
09. Dudung Hidayat/PAAPPLW 24382077 KP
10. Etih Setiasih/PAAPxPLW 010 KP
11. Firkan Maulana/FISIP AntropologixPLW 008 KP
12. Flora Damayanti/Sastra JepangPLW 24382068 KP
13. Luthfi Rantaprasaja/FISIP AntropologiPLW 24382078 KP
14. Mudita Lanni Sujadhi/Sastra InggrisxPLW 022 KP
15. Muhammadan/FISIP AntropologixPLW 005 KP
16. Nina Widyaningsih/Sastra D3 JepangPLW 24382072 KP
17. Ririn Wulandari/FIKOMPLW 24382081 KP
18. Saur Marlina Manurung/FISIP AntropologiPLW 24382069 KP
19. Taufik Nugraha/FHPLW 24382075 KP
20. Triyanto/PAAPLW 24382080 KP
21. Wawan Darmawan/FISIP AntropologiPLW 24382079 KP
22. Wawan Setiawan/FMIPA D3PLW 24382071 KP